Why Advanced Pre-Planning is Important: A Greensboro Case Study
Credit Hours:
Approximate reading time:
1 Hour
Approximate online time:
1 Hour

This module is offered to Fire Hero Learning Network Users under a cooperative agreement with FM. To take this module, you will be transferred from the Fire Hero Learning Network (FHLN) to the FM Fire Service Learning Network. You will need an FM Fire Service Learning Network account to take this module. If you already have an FM Fire Service Learning Network account that uses the same email as your FHLN account, you will not have to sign in again. If you need to create an account on FM Fire Service Learning Network, you will be able to register. Your record of completion for this program (on your transcript) and your certificate will be kept on the FM Fire Service Learning Network.
This program highlights a case study of a fire at 811 South Elm Street in Greensboro, North Carolina. The fire at an auto repair shop included a mayday call and was nearly fatal. This incident demonstrates the importance of advanced pre-planning for complex properties. Members of the Greensboro Fire Department discuss the incident, the lessons learned, and the changes they made going forward to improve their preplanning process.